Profile Video
  • Tim + Paul

    Hey Hey!

    Thank you for taking the time to take a look at our profile and for considering us as you make what we are sure is potentially one of the most difficult decisions you've have to make. As we sat together we found it so difficult to put into words what to say as this experience for you is without a doubt a totally different experience than it is for us. This for you is potentially a decision of true hardship and conflicting emotions that takes immense strength and heart, while for us the experience is one we've dreamed of, full of joy and hope as we work to build our family together.

    That said, this is an experience that can bring us all together. Whatever decision it is you make, we know you'll make the right decision for you and for your baby. We can promise we will give our all to make sure your baby has a wonderful life with our family and experiences love and support in all stages of life. From the bottom of our hearts thank you for your consideration of us.

  • Kayley + Corey

    Hi there! We're Kayley and Corey and we're ecstatic to be growing our family through adoption.

    We want to start by sincerely thanking you for considering us as potential parents of your baby; we commend your courage and wish you the best as you navigate this process.

    As you consider what is best for your child, we hope you enjoy getting to know us better through our profile. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you and take this journey together as a family.

    With love and hope,

    Kayley and Corey

  • Maureen + Michael

    Dear Expectant Parent,

    We are extremely excited to be adoptive parents. Our journey to bring a child into our family has been a long one; we see adoption as an opportunity to both grow our family while giving both hope and reassurance to an expectant mother. Michael and I realize that placing a child into adoption is not an easy decision. We can only imagine it comes with much contemplation, internal searching, and likely restless nights. We want to assure you that we are a loving couple eager to take on the challenges of raising a child into adulthood. We are both appreciative of the opportunity to accept a child and promise to do our best to love and nurture the child as you would want the child to be nurtured and loved.

  • Kelsey + JD

    Hey mama, we are JD and Kelsey. We don't know what your story is, but we would love to hear it, and maybe share ours with you. The main thing you need to know about us is that we love Jesus; love for Him influences all we do, and it will inform how we raise children as well. We have been married for almost seven years, and have survived several moves (even across the country), but now we're settled up north in a pretty (and very big) cabin on a lake. We have two cats (Moose and Marley), two dogs (Maxine and McCoy) and about 20 laying hens (who don't all have names, unfortunately, haha). We love to go to state/national parks, visit with friends and family, and we have different hobbies, which you can learn about on our page. Most importantly, we would love to grow our family with adoption, and we hope you could be part of our journey. Whatever you choose, we want what is best for you and your baby. Thank you for checking out our page!

  • Thao + Andrew

    Hello! We are Andrew and Thao, a happily married couple who couldn't be more excited that you are taking the time to learn about us. We look forward to learning about you as well. Your decision is brave and may, at times, feel scary. Whichever path you choose, take pride in knowing you are doing what is best for your baby, and we commend your courage.

    Since we began our relationship ten years ago, we bonded over our love of family. Our goal is to weave that love into our home. Family is not solely defined by blood but also by the deep and meaningful connections that grow between parents and children, siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles, regardless of adoption. We hope for the opportunity to give your baby the experience of unconditional love from not only us but our parents, siblings, and friends. We appreciate you taking the time to get to know us, and we're excited to hear your story and get to know you better.

  • Krista + Lori

    Hi Brave Parents!

    We are honored and sincerely appreciate the opportunity to share our profile with you. We cannot begin to understand your journey and truly admire your bravery. We hope as you begin to learn more about our family, you will feel a connection of trust, openness, and love. As you process through decisions ahead, please know that we see you as a strong, confident, and courageous woman. It is our commitment to welcome you into our family as you desire. The journey is lifelong, and we hope ours come together through open adoption. Your child will always know your unconditional love for them. We are looking forward to raising a child to be kind, humble, and full of love and laughter. We will provide a life full of unconditional love, opportunities to grow, and experiences to learn. Thank you for including us in your journey.

  • Luis + Justin

    Our family motto is "Love Makes a Family." Family, friends, and everyone in between, it comes down to love making us a family.

    We are Justin, Luis and Amelia and we hope that what you are about to read serve as a humble introduction to our lives, friends, and family. We can't begin to imagine what this journey had been like for you, but we know that your courage and strength will guide you through this, no matter what you ultimately choose.

  • Jackie + Garret

    Hi there,

    As we sit down to make this profile for you, it's hard to believe that we could be writing a letter to someone who could become one of the most important people in our lives. It's a bit strange and very emotional. How could we possibly know what to say?

    We're sure that you're also full of feelings that are hard to put into words. And lots of questions. Maybe this profile will help you find some answers.

    We hope this is the start of a special relationship with you -- on your terms -- if and when you feel ready.

    For us, it would mean the beginning of a new family. A dream come true. But we know that your feelings are more complicated than we could ever imagine.

    You have big decisions to make for you and your baby. Trust in yourself. Only you know what's best.

    No matter what, we wish you all the love and support in the world.


