Maureen + Michael
Dear Expectant Parent,
We are extremely excited to be adoptive parents. Our journey to bring a child into our family has been a long one; we see adoption as an opportunity to both grow our family while giving both hope and reassurance to an expectant mother. Michael and I realize that placing a child into adoption is not an easy decision. We can only imagine it comes with much contemplation, internal searching, and likely restless nights. We want to assure you that we are a loving couple eager to take on the challenges of raising a child into adulthood. We are both appreciative of the opportunity to accept a child and promise to do our best to love and nurture the child as you would want the child to be nurtured and loved.
Our Why

Michael and I knew we wanted a family since we were young. When the time came to start our family we were met with infertility. Michael and I are both Catholic and the Church has limits on the types of artificial fertilization which can be attempted. Once these limits were met we decided to look to adoption to grow our family.As we began to explore the world of adoption, we came to realize that not only could we grow our family, but we could give an expectant mother hope. Sometimes, children enter the world in situations which on the surface might not seem ideal, this can be overwhelming for many. Michael and I see adoption as a means to provide hope--hope for the expectant mother, hope for the child, and hope for us. It's a chance to bring light into what might otherwise appear as darkness.
Our Story

Maureen and I met in California in 2010; for me, it felt like love at first sight. She was interning at a research institute and I was working at a nearby tech startup. We connected when I needed lab equipment from her lab. That summer, we explored California and the American Southwest together. When it was time for her to return to France, I quit my job and followed her on a student visa to learn French.
After finishing my coursework, I returned to Houston, my hometown, and Maureen joined me after completing her degree. Our time in Texas had many ups and downs. We had to live modestly since she could not work on a student visa. My mother's cancer returned for the third time. We got married and moved from Houston to Dallas, a city we both enjoyed. Throughout this period Maureen supported me through one of the most difficult times of my life, the passing of my mother from cancer.
In Dallas, I decided to enlist in the Army as a reservist. This allowed me to physically test myself while serving my country. During my early service, Maureen got a job offer in NYC, which was a big career move. We moved to New Jersey in 2017. While trying to start a family, we faced infertility, which led us to adoption. During our time in the Northeast, we put down roots, made friends, and faced the challenges of infertility. Our time here has helped our relationship grow, and I feel our marriage matured in New Jersey. I'm not sure how our story compares to others, but I believe we've been blessed. We've had our struggles, but we've faced them together and come out stronger.
Meet Maureen

Maureen is a loving, hard-working, and principled woman who values family, faith, and commitment. We met during her internship when she was working on a challenging chemistry problem. I was impressed by her work ethic and perseverance, qualities I wanted in a spouse. She continues to show this determination in everything she does. Maureen is also deeply loving and loyal. Her close relationship with her family has always been important to her. She stays in regular contact with her childhood friends and university group. A personal example of her love came during my mother's battle with cancer. While many might have ended a new relationship due to the stress, Maureen remained steadfast and never complained.
She also loves being around kids, especially her nieces and nephews. She enjoys introducing them to activities like skiing, camping, and climbing and has taught both French to expat children and English to our teenage niece.
Maureen's faith is an important part of her life. She believes in God, and regularly attends Mass, often bringing her niece and nephew. She is also active in our parish, volunteering for OCIA, a program that prepares adults to enter the Catholic faith. Her dedication to her faith reflects her strong commitment to everything she does. I believe these qualities will make her an amazing mother, one who will provide love, security, and nurture to a child.
Maureen is also adventurous, enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and indoor climbing. Recently, she's taken up outdoor rock climbing and distance running. She loves to travel, and unlike most, she would rather sleep near an active volcano than in a luxury hotel. Her boldness and adventurous spirit make every experience more exciting.
Fun Facts
- Two of her closest friends she has known since she was a teenager
- Did Gymnastics for 13 years
- Has created over 100 cosmetic products
- Has hiked the tallest Mountain in the continental United States
Meet Michael

Michael values relationships. Since I have known my husband, I have always found him to be someone who looks for meaning in relationships. He searches for true friendships and is interested in developing a strong connection with people whom he befriends. He is this way with everyone close to him. I believe children should be taught the value of developing meaningful relationships.
Michael is curious. If someone needs to find my husband, it is likely he will be found at a desk studying something. Michael went to school for chemistry and has carried on his passion for learning ever since. He is constantly reading, learning something new, or taking courses to improve himself professionally or personally. His natural curiosity is something he tries to draw out in others, often asking people, "Why do you think that happens?"
Michael is loving with kids. When he plays with his niece or nephew, he gets their full attention. He listens to them and is very involved in the activities they are doing. He wants to connect with them and get to know them on a deep level. I think that's why they love him so much. They can go to him anytime and he'll give them his full attention. Because of his breadth of knowledge, kids are really intrigued by Michael; they want to spend time with him as they learn many new things and understand how the world works when speaking with him. I think the children in our life, our Godchildren and nieces and nephews know that my husband cares for them and wants to help them grow.
I have no doubt Michael will make a good father, and his child will feel safe, loved, and supported all their life with a father like him.
Fun Facts
- Wants to play every Zelda game made
- Has played and coached Rugby
- Is a John Steinbeck fan
Our Home

Our house is a simple two-story home with a basement; it is a post-World War 2 colonial. It is comfortable and family-friendly, with three bedrooms, a large living room with enough space for a child to play. The kitchen opens into the dining room where we host family and friends. We have recently renovated our garage into a gym and repaved our driveway. Our backyard is accommodating; in the summer we usually take dinner on the deck or play cornhole. During Autumn we alternate between raking leaves and spending weekend evenings by the firepit. Our house is located in a middle-class neighborhood, close to reputable schools, especially the elementary school, and walking distance from our parish. Several young families are dotted up and down our quiet street. We are a short distance from several large parks and playgrounds which are perfect for children to run around and explore.
Maureen’s family

Maureen grew up near Paris, France. She was raised in a loving home where her parents worked hard to provide a stable, disciplined, and caring environment for their two daughters. Gilles, my father-in-law, is a man I deeply respect. He has always been kind to me, even when I first started dating Maureen. He worked his entire career at a French car manufacturer, starting with an entry-level job and working his way up to middle management, ensuring his family lived comfortably. Christine, my mother-in-law, is a woman of her generation. She trained in accounting and worked, but still made time to cook meals and handle house chores on weekends. She created a warm, welcoming home for her family. Gilles and Christine are always supportive of Maureen, attending her gymnastics competitions, sending her on school ski trips, and helping with her education. They were proud when Maureen graduated with a master's degree in chemistry. They made many financial sacrifices to send their daughters to private Catholic school and provided everything they needed to succeed in adulthood.
Both Gilles and Christine have been wonderful parents-in-law, supporting Maureen and me during our adoption journey. They are excited to become grandparents again, especially Christine, who loves buying clothes and presents for her grandchildren.
Michael’s family

My family life growing up was similar to Maureen's experience despite living in two different countries. I grew up in the state of Texas around the Houston area with my sister. My parents were loving and fair, expecting their children to do well in school, attend Mass, and follow through on commitments. I would characterize my parents as hard-working individuals who put their family first.
My mother was a nurse, and my father is a psychologist. Both spent much of their adult lives helping others. They created a home environment that was loving and predictable. When the time came for me to attend university, they were supportive in all aspects to include the finances of an education. One of the most important principles I learned from my parents was, "If I start something then I should finish it." They were adamant about this. This principle has served me well into adulthood, reminding me not to give up just because things are difficult.
My mother passed due to cancer; my father still lives in Houston. He eagerly awaits our adoptive child and travels regularly between Nevada and New Jersey. I owe much of who I am and what I have to my parents.
Our Traditions

We have many traditions in our home, blending both our family customs and cultural backgrounds. We both believe traditions are important as they provide context, direction, and meaning for a family. Like many Americans, we celebrate traditional holidays like the 4th of July and Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgivings are typically spent with Michael's sister and her family in Nevada. We also celebrate Easter and Christmas in the Catholic tradition, attending Mass and reflecting on the significance of the events. Christmas is usually spent at either Michael's sister's house or my family's house in France. At Christmas, we are surrounded by our nieces, nephews, siblings, and parents. Whether in France or the US, we always gather around the tree to exchange presents. Since moving to New Jersey, we attend Michael's aunt's Christmas party which is held the weekend before Christmas. Her house is decorated with a different theme each year, and everyone spends the day eating, playing games, and catching up.
In addition to the major holidays, we celebrate French traditions. In winter, we observe La Chandeleur, where we eat cr?pes to mark the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. We also celebrate the Epiphany with a Galette des Rois (King's cake) in January.
Michael's family has unique birthday traditions that we have continued as a couple, with the most special being breakfast in bed. We make birthdays memorable with dinner, cake, balloons, and presents.
Our Hobbies

Michael and I both like to travel and discover new places. When we travel, we prefer to stay near the locals so we can explore the authenticity and the culture of the country. I do most of the planning such as looking for hotels, flights, etc. Michael is usually on board with whatever I plan, and we enjoy exploring and being active together.
We are outdoorsy people; we like to hike, climb, and camp. One of our more recent adventures was a hiking/camping trip in Glacier National Park in Montana. Most of our hiking and camping is closer to home where we venture out to the state parks of New Hampshire and Vermont.
During the Spring and Summer, we might travel further north to Acadia National Park in Maine. Michael and I both strongly believe the outdoors is good for a child's development. Like many in New Jersey, we frequent the local beaches on especially hot summer days. During autumn we will hike or climb in upstate New York. For Thanksgiving, we usually travel to Nevada to see Michaels's sister and her husband and two children.
In the winter, we continue to be active by skiing. I grew up skiing and taught Michael how to ski when he was an adult. We make it a point to ski a few times a year. With part of my family living in the South of France, we've had the occasion to attend ski trips in the Alps.
Our Promise

In closing, we thank you for taking the time to read our story. We hope we have clearly conveyed who we are, what we value, and how we would raise a child. We are ready to have a child in our lives who we will love unconditionally. We have a lot of love to give and wish to share both our knowledge and values to support the growth of a child into an adult.
We hope that you feel supported throughout this process. While we cannot understand exactly what you are experiencing, we can imagine the choices you face are considerable. It is our wish that by reading our story you might find a couple that you can relate to and imagine being suitable to raise a child.
We wait with excitement to hear from one who believes we are the right couple.
God Bless you and your family.
Thank You!