Profile Video
  • Krista + Lori

    Hi Brave Parents!

    We are honored and sincerely appreciate the opportunity to share our profile with you. We cannot begin to understand your journey and truly admire your bravery. We hope as you begin to learn more about our family, you will feel a connection of trust, openness, and love. As you process through decisions ahead, please know that we see you as a strong, confident, and courageous woman. It is our commitment to welcome you into our family as you desire. The journey is lifelong, and we hope ours come together through open adoption. Your child will always know your unconditional love for them. We are looking forward to raising a child to be kind, humble, and full of love and laughter. We will provide a life full of unconditional love, opportunities to grow, and experiences to learn. Thank you for including us in your journey.

  • JoAnna + Will

    Hello! We are incredibly grateful that you are here to learn a little about us. We cannot imagine the circumstances that have brought you to this moment and how difficult it must be. We know from our own experiences that life doesn't always go as planned, but God always gives us the strength and courage we need in each season of our lives. We believe you are brave and loving. We admire you and care for you and your baby already! We pray that you find strength and clarity in whatever decision you make.

    We invite you to learn about our bilingual and multicultural family. As you look through our profile, we hope that you can feel our love and get a glimpse into our lives. As a couple, we live each day full of joy, adventure, and commitment. We are so excited to welcome a little one into our family to love and care for! If you choose to make us part of your story, we promise to raise your child in a happy, supportive and love-filled home. Our family and friends are just as ready as we are with open hearts for you and your baby. We truly appreciate you taking the time to consider us.

  • Michael + Oliver

    Hi! It's great to meet you! We're Michael and Oliver, and we want to share a bit about ourselves with you as you navigate this important decision for you and your child. Family is the foundation of everything good in our lives and we hope our words and pictures will show you the love, happiness, and unwavering dedication that we have ready to share.

  • Molly + Matthew

    We feel so honored to be among the adoptive parents that you are considering. We want you to know that growing our family through adoption is our absolute first choice and not a last resort. We cannot begin to imagine the emotions you are feeling but what we are certain of is that you are incredibly brave. We are in awe of your strength as you move through these difficult decisions. We hope as you look through this book you will see the love we have for each other, our family and our friends. Words can barely express how excited and happy we are to open our hearts and home to a child!

  • Anita + Jeff


    In our life, love is abundant--it's the one thing we are sure to give. We see the same in you, too. We believe only a heart full of love could make the brave decision - to consider adoption for your child.

    It's a decision that places the love of your child first, above everything else. Your love is inspiring and touches our hearts deeply. This child, loved so much by you, will bring a wave of love into our lives. It won't stop with us, this love will spread to our family, our friends - everyone important in our lives.

    We don't yet know your name or your story, and we may not ever fully grasp the journey you've been through. But we do see your strength, your selflessness, and the deep love you have for your child. This inspires us. We're hopeful for the chance to open our hearts to you and your baby. Together, we can continue to let this love grow. It's more than just an opportunity, it's a gift, and we're profoundly grateful for it.

  • Christina + Dean

    Dear Expectant Parent,

    Thank you for considering us to be your baby's adoptive parents!!We appreciate how overwhelming this whole process must feel for you, and we'd like you to know that we are here to support you in whatever way we can! It takes a lot of courage to be an expectant parent, and we are in deep admiration for everything you are doing!We have a beautiful home in a lovely suburb of Denver, Colorado! We believe a child would have an absolutely magical childhood here, one filled with joy, wonder, adventure, community, and most importantly, unconditional love!

    We wish you the best of luck on you journey, and thank you for your time and consideration!!

  • Sarah + Paul

    We are best friends. We strive to find the joy in life and love spending time together. Whether that is discovering a new game, indulging in a new cuisine, or simply being in the same room while doing separate things.

    We complement each other (opposites do attract). Sarah is better with numbers, Paul is better with words. Paul always wins at Mario Kart, but Sarah always wins at Ticket to Ride. Sarah follows the recipe, and Paul makes it up as he goes. Paul likes the beach, Sarah prefers the mountains.

    We work well together. We approach life's many challenges as a team, side by side, working to build the best life possible for our family. And we approach our relationship the same, always working to make it even better.

  • Erin + Paul

    Thank you for taking the time to look over our profile. We understand you have a difficult journey ahead of you and we wish you peace as you navigate your path forward.
