Profile Video
  • Kelsey + JD

    Hey mama, we are JD and Kelsey. We don't know what your story is, but we would love to hear it, and maybe share ours with you. The main thing you need to know about us is that we love Jesus; love for Him influences all we do, and it will inform how we raise children as well. We have been married for almost seven years, and have survived several moves (even across the country), but now we're settled up north in a pretty (and very big) cabin on a lake. We have two cats (Moose and Marley), two dogs (Maxine and McCoy) and about 20 laying hens (who don't all have names, unfortunately, haha). We love to go to state/national parks, visit with friends and family, and we have different hobbies, which you can learn about on our page. Most importantly, we would love to grow our family with adoption, and we hope you could be part of our journey. Whatever you choose, we want what is best for you and your baby. Thank you for checking out our page!

  • JoAnna + Will

    Hello! We are incredibly grateful that you are here to learn a little about us. We cannot imagine the circumstances that have brought you to this moment and how difficult it must be. We know from our own experiences that life doesn't always go as planned, but God always gives us the strength and courage we need in each season of our lives. We believe you are brave and loving. We admire you and care for you and your baby already! We pray that you find strength and clarity in whatever decision you make.

    We invite you to learn about our bilingual and multicultural family. As you look through our profile, we hope that you can feel our love and get a glimpse into our lives. As a couple, we live each day full of joy, adventure, and commitment. We are so excited to welcome a little one into our family to love and care for! If you choose to make us part of your story, we promise to raise your child in a happy, supportive and love-filled home. Our family and friends are just as ready as we are with open hearts for you and your baby. We truly appreciate you taking the time to consider us.

  • Raphael + Antonio

    Dear expectant parent(s),

    We are Raphael and Antonio, and we want to thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We look forward to learning about you as well.

    We could not be more excited to be starting a family and focusing all our love, time, and resources on the child to thrive, be secure, happy, and healthy, and to have every opportunity we can offer.

    Through your life's journey, you have shown resilience and strength. We truly admire your courage and selflessness in considering adoption for your child. We promise to give our future child a home filled with unconditional love, joy, security, stability, care,

    Thank you again for allowing us the chance to share our hearts with you and for considering us as potential parents for your child. We hope our paths will cross soon.


    Antonio & Raphael

  • Rachel + Caleb


    Thank you for clicking our profile! As we sit to write this letter our hearts are filled with excitement and emotion, as we know our lives will be forever changed for the better. We truly love children and have always dreamed of having a family. We are grateful for the decision that you are making as it is an indescribable gift to those of us who desire to have a family. We can never know the courage it took to make this decision. Thank you for choosing life.

    We understand this must be a difficult and confusing time, and we may never completely understand all the emotions that you are experiencing. We respect your decision to place the baby for adoption. We pray for you to have the peace only God can give you and will continue to pray for you throughout this chapter of your life. As you will learn our family is a household of joy, peace, fun, faith, and most of all love.

    We are blessed with a wonderful life and strong support system of friends and family. We have prayed that the Lord would bless us with a child and know that God has provided adoption as a way for us. We have so much love to give, and we cannot wait to be parents!

    May the Lord bless you always (Numbers 6:24-26)

    Love & blessings,Caleb & Rachel

  • Jami + Rob

    We are Rob, Jami, and Caleb and we thank you for taking the time to read our profile and learn more about us. We are sooo excited to grow our family through adoption once again and are hoping that you might choose us as the right family for your child. We hope our story will help you in making your decision. We believe that adoption is a beautiful picture of love, acceptance, and grace and we promise to extend each of those to the child we are given. The decision you are making requires such courage, and we admire your commitment. We hope that this profile will help you as you consider what is next.

  • Taylor + Michael

    We are deeply grateful for your consideration in this process. Your strength and courage in doing so showcase the values encapsulated within the human spirit. It takes an extraordinary person to start this journey and your selflessness will forever be etched into our hearts, from the bottom of which we thank you.

  • Lauren + Tyler

    Hi! We're Tyler & Lauren! We have been preparing a home in joyful hope to grow our family. We'd love for you and your child to be a part of our journey, and we would be honored to be a part of yours. Know that you and your child already have our prayers no matter your choice. Please enjoy getting to know us through our profile!

  • Shannon + Michael

    We want to thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Our names are Michael and Shannon. We have an amazing teenage son named Owen, but we have been wanting to grow our family for many years now. I, Shannon, was adopted from Edna Gladney as an infant to a wonderful and nurturing family making adoption an option we have always been interested in exploring. After years of unsuccessful fertility treatments, we decided that adoption was the best option to grow our family. The moment we stepped out of the Gladney orientation, we were both filled with emotions and tears of joy to finally know that we were making the right choice for our family to adopt through Gladney. We want you to know that our hearts are with you during this process and we understand that this must be a hard time for you filled with many emotions. We hope that maybe getting to know us a little better might make you feel more comfortable, if in fact you decide to choose adoption as the plan for your child. If selected as adoptive parents, we promise to open our hearts and home to raise the child in a nurturing and loving environment. We know that you want the best life possible for your child, and we value your courage to consider adoption as a possible plan. No matter what decision you choose, we wish you the very best and hope you have a life filled with love and happiness.

    With love,

    Shannon, Michael, and Owen
