Kayley + Corey

Hi there! We're Kayley and Corey and we're ecstatic to be growing our family through adoption.

We want to start by sincerely thanking you for considering us as potential parents of your baby; we commend your courage and wish you the best as you navigate this process.

As you consider what is best for your child, we hope you enjoy getting to know us better through our profile. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you and take this journey together as a family.

With love and hope,

Kayley and Corey

Dear Birth Mom…

“Dear Birth Mom…” Image

We're Kayley and Corey; best friends who have the absolute privilege of being happily married. We have a large extended family, wonderful friends who feel like family, and a goldendoodle named Arya Bark. We hope this book helps you get to know us better, and we look forward to meeting you one day. We already know how strong you are, how brave and selfless you are, and how much love you have for your baby. We hope to share that love and welcome your child into our family for a lifetime of joy.

How We Met

“How We Met” Image

It was 2016, Kayley had just graduated from college and began working her first job at a software company. Corey had already worked there for a year and was good friends with her new manager, Dave, who has become one of our closest friends.

We first interacted during a training Corey was running & hit it off later that month at a fall company party, bonding over Kayley's love for Oktoberfest. Not long after that, Corey asked her out to dinner. She said yes of course, and he took her out to the Greenbrier, a quaint Irish pub near where we were living at the time. We talked for hours before even ordering. The waitress came over several times with a hopeful look on her face to ask if we were ready yet, but we were too busy enjoying each other's company. We shared burgers, fries, and a lot of laughs.

From our very first date, we both knew we had found someone special. The next few years were a whirlwind, our lives quickly became one. We met each other's friends & families, took our first vacation, and in 2017 we moved in together for the first time! A year later, we packed up our car, got new jobs, and moved our lives to Texas for a new adventure!

How He Asked

In July of 2019, Kayley returned home from a two-week trip, traveling New England to visit family and even made it across the pond to visit her friend Mary in Scotland. She opened the door to their apartment and found Corey down on one knee, holding a ring in one hand and our new puppy, Arya Bark, in the other! She cried and said yes and we celebrated with Chinese food and played fetch with Arya, it was perfect.

About Corey

“About Corey” Image

Corey grew up in a small city in central Massachusetts with his two parents and two younger sisters. His mother is a nurse who runs a delicious bakery on the side! His father runs a warehouse for a large tech company. His sister, Taylor, is extremely smart and hard-working and has always been quite fond of children. Haley is the youngest of the family and is married to Sam whose family owns an amazing chocolate shop that Haley now runs. Corey's family is over the moon excited to share their love with our son or daughter.

When Corey was growing up, sports were always a huge part of his life. As an adult, he has even tried new sports such as strongman and Highland games. Football was his main sport which gave him the opportunity to attend college. Team sports taught Corey many things that he sees as extremely important to pass on to the next generation. Dedication, respect, and teamwork are just a few.

About Kayley

“About Kayley” Image

Kayley grew up in a small suburb with her two parents and her older sister, Molly. Her father owned a bicycle shop where Kayley worked during the summers. Her mother was a teacher, which allowed for her to spend the entire summer at the family's cabin on a lake in Maine. Kayley has wonderful memories at the lake and we dream of bringing our children there one day!

Kayley and Molly are two years apart and are very close friends. We hope to have a large family so that our children can experience the wonderful sibling bond we were able to. Molly is married to Thomas and the pair have three young boys who are very excited to be cousins!

When Kayley was in college, and then later in law school, she was very involved in Campus Ministry programs, and participated in many volunteer service trips. Growing up Catholic, her faith is important to her, and the church has provided her with a sense of faith and security in good times and in bad. We are very blessed and it is crucial to our values that our children understand the importance of helping those in need.

How Kayley Thinks of Corey

“How Kayley Thinks of Corey” Image

Corey is the most confident, kind, patient, positive, hardworking and happy person I know. Being his wife is the greatest honor of my life. His favorite word is "phenomenal," (he even has it written on a 3 foot poster in his office!) and it is with that attitude that he approaches everything in life. He has never taken on a challenge he couldn't accomplish, whether it be supporting our family, starting a business, or winning two amateur highland games competitions! He is strong, stoic and supportive, and I know that raising a family with him will be the most wonderful adventure.

How Corey Thinks of Kayley

“How Corey Thinks of Kayley” Image

Kayley is the most intelligent, driven, kind, and beautiful person I have ever met in my life. Plus her eyes are so pretty they could stop traffic. I knew the first day that I met her that she was special and I needed to be around her as much as I possibly could. We met at work in our first jobs out of college. Since the day we met we have been inseparable. I can not wait to raise a child alongside this amazing human.

Kayley and Corey’s Careers

“Kayley and Corey’s Careers” Image

Corey works in finance and recently began his own consulting business. He is brilliant, hard working, and level-headed, making him a great resource for companies planning for their financial future.

Kayley graduated from law school in 2023 and has been working as a finance attorney at a law firm. Kayley's passion for personal growth inspired her to pursue her law degree and she is thrilled to have found challenging work with engaging and driven colleagues.

The two of us are both very driven but always strive for balance in our work and personal lives. We hope that our children find success by working hard, pursuing their passions, and always making time for what matters most. The titles we most look forward to are mom and dad!

Hobbies and Interests

“Hobbies and Interests” Image

Kayley enjoys reading, sewing, biking and playing the piano. Corey plays the guitar, lifts weights, works on leather, and has competed in highland games competitions.

Together we play golf and we love to travel. We have made it a priority to pursue hobbies no matter how busy we get and as a result are constantly learning new skills!

We can't wait to share in the hobbies and passions of our little ones!

In closing…

“In closing…” Image

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family and for considering us as potential parents for your baby. It would be an honor to take this journey with you. We know this is new and tremendously scary for you, but we believe that we can all find joy and comfort. We have so much love to give and would be so humbled and grateful to share that love with you and your child.

We would like to leave you with a quote from Kayley's favorite TV show, the Office.

"No matter how you get there, or where you end up, human beings have a miraculous ability to make that place home."


Kayley & Corey

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