Stefan + Hayes
There are so many words that come to mind when we think of you: selfless, brave, loving, strong, compassionate, self-sacrificing....and the list goes on and on. Where do we begin to express how these words describe you? We stand in awe and genuine admiration and respect as we think of you and your circumstances. We have been praying for you and this child for a long time. We know this has to be one of, if not the most, difficult decisions that you have or will ever have to make. We are grateful that you will entrust us to raise your child. Thank you for considering us. Thank you for believing in us to raise a precious gift.
Why Adoption
We see adoption as one of the greatest blessings. We see it as an ultimate act of generosity and sacrifice by you. We dreamt of having a big family, full of kids running around, full of controlled chaos. We tried for years to have a child of our own, yet the Lord had different plans. Hayes was diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 36, underwent surgery, and thought that would be the cure for us to get pregnant. We were not able to conceive on our own. We were told of many other ways to help us conceive (IVF, surrogates, etc.) however, we felt the call to adopt. We have a heart for adoption. We see adoption as a way to share the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us. We believe that where much is given, much is expected. What an honor and a privilege it would be for us to raise your child.
Our Story

Hayes tells everyone that she knew she would marry Stefan the moment she first laid eyes on him... He claims it took him a tad longer to decide if Hayes was the one. We worked for the same company and were strategically set up on a blind date at our Christmas party. Our matchmaker worked especially hard to make sure that we sat by each other at dinner at that party... and well, the rest is history.
Hayes was living in Texas, and Stefan in Austria so our dating period consisted of living on two separate continents flying back and forth and back and forth from Texas to Austria. We both knew that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, so we were engaged just three months after dating, married ten months after meeting, and have been married for five years as of October 2021. And what a blessed journey it has been. Hayes jokes that it took a while to find Stefan as she was a tad older of a bride, but she says it was so worth the wait. We found ourselves as newlyweds living in London as we could both work from there, still for the same company. We had the time of our lives in England, but a new opportunity quickly arose for Stefan in Texas, so we packed up to set up camp and have been putting down roots here ever since. Stefan truly does believe everything is bigger and better in Texas. Stefan thrived in his new job in the States, and Hayes took some time off as we were hopeful to start a family.
We are soul mates. We are best friends, and we can't imagine our lives without each other. The Lord truly knew what He was doing when He orchestrated our paths crossing. We are rooted firm in our love for Jesus and our faith is very important to us. We are very family oriented so much of our time is spent with our family members as we love to have fun with those who are nearest and dearest. We are social and adventurous, and Stefan likes to say that there is never a dull moment with Hayes always up to something!
Hello, Hayes. by Stefan
Hayes is a very driven individual. She is beautiful inside and out. She is kind, generous, and always looking out to help others. She is very social, loves to host, and be there for friends and family. And this is the place she loves the most, connected with friends and family, spreading all the love and joy she carries in her heart. Her faith provides for her energy, and people can't help but gravitate towards her. She is an amazing communicator and never is shy of starting and contributing to a conversation or as Hayes likes to say herself "You know me, I can talk to a wall." Hayes is fun, entertaining, and always on a roll - the term "firecracker" has been used more than once to describe her nature. I love her for all that she is and represents. Her biggest desire however is to bless a child, in a way God has blessed her - her nieces and nephew can attest to this. Being a mom will not only fulfill her life, but also the life of the child that God has in mind for us.
Hello, Stefan. by Hayes
Stefan is one of the greatest blessings of my life. When I tell you the Lord knew what He was doing, I put a big Amen by that! People gravitate to him; people are drawn to him. He's the kindest, most patient, most loving soul I know. And he's super handsome! He is strong in his faith, a servant of the Lord, and a generous man. He loves fiercely, will do anything for anybody and always with a smile on his face. He is hardworking and he is a provider. He is respected and successful in his career and serves as a mentor to many. He is family oriented and recognizes the importance of it. Our nieces and nephews adore him, and I think they like him more than me! :) He is adventurous and he challenges me every day to be a better person. I am truly a blessed woman.
Our Children

We have two children from Stefan's previous marriage: Moritz and Valentina. Although they are older in age, they are excited for our family to expand. They both live in Austria with their mom but are excited for our plans to expand the family! Valentina can't wait to help babysit and Moritz can't wait to have a little sister/brother to play with even though the geographic distance will not allow for day-to-day interactions!Valentina is caring, loving, and creative. She loves to do Hayes' makeup and knows all of the latest fashion trends!Mortiz is loving, compassionate, and innovative. He can play the piano like no other and was the star of the show when he serenaded our wedding guests!
Our Home

We prayed and prayed for the Lord to show us where we needed to put down roots. When we walked into the home we live in, the Lord nudged us that this was our home. Our prayer here is "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."
We bought a house with bedrooms to fill with children with a yard for kiddos to play and a pool for kiddos to take a dip in! Our community is such a blessing to us. It's a place where neighbors still say hello to one another, where we take a pie to a neighbor that just moved in, where kids ride on their bicycles, and we congregate in the streets to visit and catch up. Our neighbors have become some of our closest friends and we socialize with them often. We feel safe and protected as it's a gated community and the kids roam on their bikes and scooters and go from house to house looking for a snack. We love to host pool parties, BBQs, and to entertain!
Our Hobbies

We share a love of traveling. We have been all over the world and are always up for a new travel adventure. We also love volunteering together and helping others. And we can't forget that we love to eat! Stefan jokes that Hayes is always thinking about her next meal!
Stefan is an avid tennis player and loves to hit the tennis court when he can. We love having his tennis team and their families over to cookout and swim!
Hayes loves to walk and goes every day! Whether alone or catching up with a friend, walking is what she loves! She loves to listen to praise and worship music while she walks around our neighborhood.
Before You Go
With deepest sincerity and gratitude, we say thank you! There are no words to express your consideration for choosing us to raise this most precious gift. We promise that we will raise them in a house of love, a house of faith, a house of humble gratitude recognizing we are raising one of God's most precious blessings. We promise to love, care, protect, and cherish this child every single day, not taking for granted the opportunity and responsibility presented to us. We promise to make you proud as a birth parent allowing you to be at peace knowing you did what was best for your child.
With humble hearts and a hopeful spirit - thank you.
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