Shai + Ro

We are a blended couple where our cultures, traditions, and uniqueness have been woven into our lives. Our hearts are open and ready to welcome your child into our family.

Why Adoption

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Dear Expectant Parent,

It is with grateful hearts that we Thank You for taking the time to look through our profile today. We recognize both the difficulty and the courage required in this process. We hope our story will provide you with a glimpse into who we are.

We're Shai and Ro from New York City (NYC)! Our compassion, curiosity, and stability come from our experiences where family, nature, travel, and contribution play pivotal roles. We would love to open our lives and hearts to your beloved child. We are committed to honoring your child's unique identity and culture, and ensuring that they always feel loved, valued, and supported. As first-time parents, we are supportive of open adoption and will respect the level of openness you choose for you, your family, and your child. We are filled with hope and excitement for the opportunity to embark on this incredible journey with you.

So who are we? We are a blended couple where our cultures, traditions, and uniqueness have been woven into our lives. Born in the Midwest suburbs, Shaii is Indian and was raised Hindu, while Ro is Italian-Irish and was raised Catholic in NYC. In the spring we celebrate Holi and Easter and later in the year, we celebrate Diwali and Christmas. At any given moment, you may hear Pearl Jam, Jay-Z, Etta James, or salsa playing in our home. We spend our weekdays amidst people and culture in the city, while weekends are spent in the countryside around nature and calmness. Shai works in healthcare and Ro works in banking with our off times spent volunteering with organizations that support people in personal development and growth. Finally, though Shai is vegetarian and Ro eats everything, we cook most of our meals at home and dine together where family and friends often join.

Our hearts are open and ready to welcome your child into our blended family. We have dreamed of the joy and privilege of raising a child, and we believe that this journey has led us to you. We want to give your child a world of possibilities--a world filled with love, stability, and endless opportunities to thrive. Regardless of the path you choose, we wish you peace and comfort in your decision.

-Shai & Ro

We've long felt the calling to nurture children as they journey through growth. Drawing inspiration from our sisters and brother-in-laws who excel as parents, we've remained unwavering in our belief that our child would arrive at just the right time.

After five years of trying to conceive, we now know that we are meant to build our family through adoption. We have talked about adoption through the years and are thrilled about our decision. We were inspired by our close friends who adopted their daughter 6 years ago and other friends who have also adopted or were adoptees themselves. They showed us that this path is a special way to create a family filled with unconditional love and support. Becoming adoptive parents is a tremendous honor and gift, and we accept our responsibilities to you and your child with the highest respect and dedication.

Our Love

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"Our love has only deepened through the years, and we've learned that we can count on each other no matter what life presents."

We met online over ten years ago. Shai was out one evening with a friend who encouraged her to sign up. Thank goodness she did! 12 hours later, Ro noticed her beautiful smile and witty profile and sent her a message. Upon meeting, we knew immediately there was something special.

We got engaged three years later. Ro surprised Shai with a trip to Quebec City where he proposed to her at midnight under a sky filled with stars and falling snow. We got married a couple of years later near Shai's hometown. Our family and friends traveled in from around the world for our Indian-Italian wedding!

Our love has only deepened through the years, and we've learned that we can count on each other no matter what life presents. Having been together for so long means we know how to comfort each other, make each other laugh, solve problems together, and see every situation as a gift.

Meet Shai

“Meet Shai” Image

"Shai will be an amazing mother and is a daily inspiration and encouragement to me."

My wife and best friend, Shai, amazes me on many levels. From our first date, I knew she was the person I needed and wanted in my life. She was the opposite of me (in a perfect way!).

She is a talker, and I'm more of a listener. She's lived in multiple countries, and I've lived in one city. She's a master cleaner and organizer of both food spills and chaos. As a nurturer, she helps others become better versions of themselves. She's helped our doorman deal with family health scares, her nieces navigate challenges at home and in school, her friends steer through choppy marital waters, and her staff develop new skills. In my life, she's been an unbelievable partner, guide, and cheerleader.

Beyond this, she's fun to be around and loves new adventures whether it's riding a horse for the first time, visiting a new art exhibit, or trying a new cooking recipe. Shai has a passion for living a healthy and active lifestyle, but she will always have room for the occasional dark chocolate--her favorite treat! Speaking of health, Shaii is an Executive at a healthcare company.

Finally, family is a big part of Shai's life. She is always including her family, my family, and our friends in all our activities. I love that about her! I cannot wait to see her as a Mom, along with the joy and strength she will bring to our future child.


Meet Ro

“Meet Ro” Image

"Ro is the most selfless person I know and keeps me grounded when life seems uncertain."

I love that Ro is a protector and wears his heart on his sleeve. He challenges me and those he loves to find the best in situations and others. He's the most selfless person I know and keeps me grounded when life seems uncertain. Friends and family often say he is the type of person you can count on in any situation whether it is driving hours to help someone in need, making a last-minute show for our nieces, helping others deal with financial hardship, mailing surprise presents to our friends' children, or telling you the truth when others won't.

Speaking of counting, he's also a numbers guy! He turned his passion for math in his early days into a career and works at a bank. He enjoys nothing more than the simple pleasures of life such as grilling burgers, eating a double scoop of ice cream on a hot day, catching a sports game with friends, or hiking in the woods.

I was immediately drawn to his sweet soul when we started dating. He is quiet at first, but when he opens up, he is hilarious. He is silly and goofy and already tells some pretty funny dad jokes! Our friends' kids love "Uncle Ro", and they say he's so fun. Ro will always play basketball or talk football with the kids and engage in their every whim. He is really just a big kid!

He is selfless in our marriage and always puts my needs before his own. He is so patient and loving. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or partner for parenting!


Our Village

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"Even though our families come from different cultural and financial backgrounds, we are knit together by a deep commitment to family, contribution, and unwavering support."

Even though our families come from different cultural and financial backgrounds, we are knit together by a deep commitment to family, contribution, and unwavering support. They are excited for us to adopt and are already discussing how our family village will rally together to support us in raising a child.

From Shai: My parents immigrated from India to Michigan, serving as doctors for 50 years. Their true passion was building and running community centers to unite children and families on cultural, educational, and social events. My father was also a pillar in the broader community, and he loved to teach medical residents and serve patients at a free clinic. My parents are my inspiration for being in healthcare. I'm close to my older sister who is a five-minute walk from our place. She is married to an Army veteran who works in banking and whose mother immigrated from Mexico. We've seen their two daughters grow-up, where we do sleepovers, movie and game nights, and celebrate a mix of cultures and traditions with them. I have multiple cousins, aunts, and uncles who live in New York, Boston, Ohio, Michigan, and Florida, along with India, the UK, and Canada. My family is growing daily now that all the cousins are having babies!

From Ro: New York has always been my home from Brooklyn to Staten Island and Manhattan. My father's roots are from Ireland and Italy, and my mother is from Italy and a retired carpenter. Fun fact--she was the first woman in the New York Carpenters Union! I hold so much respect for her and my two older sisters. As a single parent, my mother held two jobs while my sisters managed the household to put me through school and make sure I was the first in the family to attend college. My eldest sister has a son and works in financial services. Married to someone also in that industry, my other sister works in healthcare and has a daughter. Their families visit each other multiple times a week. We're only a quick car ride away, seeing them for a baseball game, dance recital, swim in the pool, or random weekday dinner. My extended family is large! With 100 of them in New York and New Jersey, we're gathering together every month for a baby shower, wedding, birthday, or BBQ.

Our Home and Community

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We live in the best of both worlds with two warm, bright, and happy homes! Our weekdays are spent in NYC close to family, cultural experiences, and educational events. We live in the heart of the city which is walkable to multiple playgrounds, parks, and other families. Our favorite teams are the New York Jets and New York Yankees--we can't wait to take your child to a game in the city! Our weekends are spent in our three-bedroom, country home surrounded by nature and calmness. Our spacious home gives your child lots of room to play hide and seek and have friends over, while our large backyard is perfect for playing. We live by playgrounds, parks, and multiple hills for sledding, tubing, and skiing. Our community in both of these places are known for good schools and diversity. We are close by family and friends, and we have plenty of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who are very excited to welcome your baby home!

Additionally, we are a part of other communities that are passionate about bringing out the best in people and giving back. Shai is on the board of a non-profit that gives formerly incarcerated New Yorkers a second chance by helping them rebuild their lives and contribute to society. Ro is a part of an organization that helps actors find their true potential. We also volunteer for an organization that helps individuals of all ages overcome life challenges and live more empowered lives. Foundational skills core to these communities includes compassion, determination, gratitude, courage, faith, and contribution. We are excited to instill these in your child and help them strengthen their character while contributing back to others.

Our Promise

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"We will devote our lives to providing your child with a loving, purposeful, and fulfilling life."

It's been a joy to tell our story! We will devote our lives to providing your child with a loving, purposeful, and fulfilling life based on the below. Your child will always know their story, beginning with you and your selfless love for them. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to share our story.

  • LOVE & FAMILY: Always. Unconditionally.
  • EDUCATION: Promote curiosity to discover their full potential--starting at home.
  • SPIRITUALITY: Cultivate inner strength to navigate life's challenges, foster connection to something greater than oneself, and gratitude for life's blessings.
  • HEALTH: Instill passion for an active lifestyle and joyful living filled with laughter and fun.
  • CULTURE: Nurture appreciation for music, art, science, and all that celebrates the beauty of life.
  • COMMUNITY: Contribute to the well-being of others and make a positive difference in the world. Lean on each other and support one another through both the challenges and triumphs.

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