Page + Trey

Hey there, We must have started and restarted this letter dozens of times, trying to think of the right thing to say and the right words to use, but with no children of our own, we understand there's no way for us to sincerely say we know what you're going through. You might be feeling overwhelmed reading these words like we definitely were when writing them, but we hope you begin to feel some comfort knowing that we are here, like you, a little nervous, a little anxious, but mostly just doing our best to prepare for what comes next. Your decision to consider adoption is admirable, and one we respect and do not take lightly. We know that whatever choice you make, you've already done an incredibly brave thing for your child. Whatever decision you make, we want you to know that you are irreplaceable, not just to your child but to us. We want you to be a part of our family, not just a part of your child's life, but to join what is sometimes a chaotic mess of people and pets but is most of all a loving family. A family that prioritizes acceptance and understanding, patience and kindness, and support. A family that may not be perfect but is always there and always growing together. We're glad you get to learn a little bit about us, our lives, and our desire to adopt.

Our Story

“Our Story” Image

Like any good millennial couple, we met on a dating site in 2014. Trey sent Page the absolute cheesiest first message on the site (that somehow worked), but it was Page who eventually convinced Trey that we should be together... like, forever. Moving in together was kind of an accident, a series of unfortunate events that led to us sharing a very small one-bedroom apartment in 2016. It may have been an accident, but it turned out pretty dang amazing! It took him another four years to ask her to marry him, but it was worth the wait.

We got married in our living room, just the two of us (and a lady with an iPad) on January 22nd, 2019 because both of our birthdays are on 22nd and we figured it would be easy to remember. It probably doesn't sound very romantic, but it was perfectly and simply us. We still celebrate everything on the 22nds and Trey still says some of the cheesiest things.

We both frequently comment on how we spend too much time together, but never manage to do anything about it. We are both caring, considerate, respectful people who just want to make each other happy. We help each other grow and succeed, even when things feel hopeless or uncontrollable. We are a team and are forever grateful that we found each other.

Our Why

“Our Why” Image

Adoption has always been a part of our families, from siblings to parents, our families as we know them wouldn't exist without adoption, so it was never really a second choice for us, just a different one. After we got married, we decided to wait a year and enjoy being newlyweds before really moving forward with building our family. When we did sit down and discuss all of the options, we knew that if we didn't get pregnant or had complications we would adopt. After years of trying and a roller coaster of emotions, we felt it was time to fully pursue adoption. This is how we wanted to grow our family. We both acknowledge how fortunate we are to have a home to call our own, pets to love, and a mutual desire to grow our family. We've always wanted to be parents - sharing our love with another, caring for them, and guiding them to be better than ourselves.


“Page” Image

Thoughtful, Funny, Empathetic

Page is what some people call, strong-willed or opinionated, but she just likes to call it passionate. She is fierce in her convictions and wants to share her truth with compassion and empathy. Page works hard, and adores all animals with extremely cute aggression (I mean all of them, even alligators). The thing she is best at is probably the thing she likes the most, being a big sister. She has seven sisters and a brother (some step, some half) and while it means a lot of Christmas presents to buy, Page wouldn't trade being there for them for anything. Page is an introvert who went to college for a degree in talking to large crowds of people, and she will cry anytime she thinks about Stitch from the movie Lilo and Stitch, seriously tears when you just mention it.


“Trey” Image

Patient, Trustworthy, Genuine

Trey is open-minded and always ready to engage with someone on why they believe something or what they understand and he's never judgmental. He is patient with people but doesn't let anyone walk all over him, instead, he communicates his boundaries and follows them. He's funny but often in a quiet way that not everyone notices but once you get to know him, he will always make you laugh. He's smarter than most people but never acts like it and admits when he is wrong. Trey is an amazing provider and a committed person in general, he does what he says even when it's difficult and he always delivers on promises. Some of Trey's favorite quotes are "Not all those who wander are lost" and "Don't yuck other people's yum". I enjoy relaxing with our pets, playing video games, and doing house projects.

Our Home

“Our Home” Image

Our home is where we spend most of our time since we both work remotely, so it was important that we found a place where we both felt comfortable but had access to the things we wanted to do. We live in East Plano, not far from downtown. There are several schools nearby, and the community is diverse and vibrant. We have lots of neighbors with small and middle-aged children, along with a public park within walking distance. We also like to make sure that we have enough space to entertain friends and family, if anyone wants to come over for a board game or video game night, our house is the place to be. We have a large backyard that backs up to a small creek and includes a playset and trees to climb. I love the large trees in the backyard, the wildlife, and our house in general. At night we like to sit on our back porch and watch the fireflies, foxes, and even the owls by the creek.

Our Pets

“Our Pets” Image

We have two cats (Finn & Ember) and a dog (Whiskey). All are rescues, with Ember having been rescued directly off our back porch. Everybody gets along thanks to Whiskey, and all five of us enjoy relaxing on the back porch or watching a movie on the couch. Finn enjoys human food (too much) and taking naps in the hot garage, whereas Ember prefers a good keyboard to sleep on. They are very much a part of our little family, with unique special personalities that delight us every day.

Our Promise

“Our Promise” Image

We appreciate you taking the time to learn about our family. We understand this isn't a simple decision and want you to know whatever decision you make, you are supported. If you choose our family, we can't promise to be perfect parents, but we do promise to always provide our unconditional love and support. Thank you for learning a bit about us and our desire to grow our family. It is something we hold with deep conviction and passion, and we promise to fight for your child's dreams and future every single day.

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