Lisa + Greg


Our names are Lisa and Greg, and we are honored that you're taking some time to get to know us. We're touched by your courage and strength as you make decisions for you and your child, and we hope to have the opportunity to get to know you as well.

We believe every family has its own unique story, and we're excited at the possibility of our story intertwining with you and your child. We've come to understand that everything happens in God's perfect timing. This belief has been a comfort to us as we've waited to become pregnant, and now as we wait to welcome a child through adoption. While our journey to this point has seemed long to us, we know God has picked out the exact child we are meant to bring home.

We have always wanted to have a family, and are excited to share our faith, traditions, adventures, and love with our future children. We are looking forward to pizza nights, matching Christmas pj's, play dates with cousins, camping trips, and other experiences as a family.

Thank you for considering us as you make this important decision. No matter what you decide, we are praying for you, your child, and all members of the adoption community.

With Love,

Lisa and Greg

Our Why

“Our Why” Image

Family is the most important thing to us. Lisa grew up with two sisters and Greg with three brothers. We've always known we wanted a big family too. Even when we were dating, we'd chat about how adoption might be part of our story someday. After a few bumps in the road trying to conceive, we saw it as a sign that we were meant to grow our family through adoption.

We're lucky to have so much love in our lives, and we can't wait to share that with a little one. We're excited to make new memories, just like the ones we cherish from our own childhoods.

Our Story

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We met the summer after our freshman year in college. While we went to school in different states, Lisa was friends with one of Greg's brothers and so we got introduced when he was home for the summer. Greg had a huge crush on Lisa from the start. After he worked up the courage to ask her on a date, we dated long distance but made many trips back and forth any chance we got. Greg proposed on New Year's Eve during our senior year, and we got married later that summer. We've been happily married for ten years!

One of our rules for having a loving marriage is to never stop dating! We make it a point to go on weekly dates and always find ways to have fun together. We like to go kayaking and paddleboarding, crush tacos at our favorite "Taco Tuesday" spot, go hiking, travel, cook together and generally experience life together.

Meet Lisa (Written by Greg)

“Meet Lisa (Written by Greg)” Image

Lisa is one of the kindest and most compassionate people I know. But that isn't just something I talk about; it's recognized by everyone who knows her. As a middle school counselor, she is a beacon of support for kids who are dealing with the ups and downs of school life. I really admire how she has dedicated herself to a career where she helps others. Outside of work she is always quick to lend a hand or just listen when a friend needs help.

She has so many cool talents. She started an Etsy business painting watercolor house portraits. More recently, she learned how to make pottery at a local studio where she creates amazing pieces both as gifts and to sell at craft fairs. She also is a talented violinist and often plays in both our traditional and contemporary worship services at church. I'm always passing along compliments to her from other members.

We make a great team and balance each other's personalities. While I am a great planner, Lisa keeps things exciting by suggesting spontaneous weekend trips. We've both had fun trying each other's hobbies. I never liked country music before I met Lisa, but now she has caught me singing along more than a few times. I've always enjoyed science fiction and fantasy book series, and now Lisa lists some of those as her favorites as well.

I know that Lisa will be a fantastic mother and is already a cool aunt. Her warmth and generosity, her laughter that fills a room, and her ability to make anyone feel included and loved are just a few of the qualities that will make her an incredible parent.

Meet Greg (Written by Lisa)

“Meet Greg (Written by Lisa)” Image

Greg is one of the smartest people I have ever met, but also one of the most caring and generous people I am lucky to know. When my sister and brother were struggling as first time parents to navigate a tricky sleep schedule with a new baby, Greg did not hesitate to take the 9 pm-midnight shift for a few weeks until everyone was settled into a good routine. He is a great uncle to all of our nephews and loves to play with and read books to them. Watching Greg interact with our nephews or our friends' children gives me a glimpse of the incredible father he'll be.

Beyond family, Greg's heart shines through his service. Whether it's volunteering at our church, serving as a mentor at a local school, or simply being there for someone in need, he embodies kindness and selflessness.

Greg is a hard worker. He served in the Navy as a submarine officer for seven years. Now that he is no longer active-military, he works for a company selling engineering equipment.

In his leisure time, Greg enjoys paddle boarding whenever possible. He is also amazing in the kitchen, whipping up delicious dishes that bring joy to everyone around him. With a love for learning fueled by books and podcasts, Greg is always ready for engaging conversations on a wide range of topics. Board games are another favorite hobby, where he loves to compete with family and friends. He has a great sense of humor, making everyone feel at home and included. Greg has a talent for creating meaningful connections, leaving a lasting impact on everyone he meets.

Adventures & Hobbies

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We've been lucky to travel to some incredible places including Mexico, Paris, and London. We love exploring new cultures, trying the local foods, and checking out the unique architecture and museums that each place has to offer. We both enjoy the outdoors and have explored many state and national parks. Our favorite so far was hiking around the base of Mount Rainier! (Check out the picture in the top left!)

While we love to travel, we're just as content in our hometown. You'll often find us relaxing around the fire on our front patio, getting lost in a good book, or hosting friends and family for dinner and game nights. On the weekend we like to shop for fresh food at our local farmers market and try out new dishes at our favorite restaurants.

Our Faith

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We both grew up with Christian beliefs and continue to practice our faith together. At our local church, we've found a supportive community. We attend a Bible study group every week and have made good friends there. Lisa enjoys playing the violin during church services, and Greg helps out by mentoring a boys group at the church's middle school. Our faith in Jesus has been important in our marriage for the past ten years, through good times and tough ones, and it remains so as we look forward to becoming parents.

Lisa’s Family

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Mom and Dad have been happily married for 40 years. Dad is a music professor and loves to grill, while Mom is the heart of our family gatherings and is happiest with everyone gathered around one of her home-cooked meals.

My two sisters and their husbands are some of our best friends. My middle sister has a toddler who's a bundle of energy and welcomed another boy in May. My youngest sister and her husband recently moved to the Southwest where he was assigned to serve as the pastor at a local church. We all love to get together, whether it's for Taco Tuesday at a restaurant or just to relax and play some board games at home.

Greg’s Family

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My parents have been married for 41 years, and I'm the third out of four boys--our house was never quiet, that's for sure. Childhood was all about being outdoors, getting into friendly chaos with my brothers, from bike races to exploring the local river, and yes, plenty of Star Wars reenactments. With five grandkids on my side of the family, it's awesome to see them create their own adventures.

We're also blessed to have two of my brothers and my parents in the same town. Us boys try to get together at least once a month for a "guys night". Our family is still very close and we try to get everyone together at least once a year.

Our Promise

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We want to express our deepest gratitude for taking the time to get to know us. We understand the weight of the decision you face, and we are humbled that you would consider us as potential parents for your precious child.

Our promise to you is simple: we promise to love your child unconditionally, to nurture them, and to provide them with a home filled with laughter, love, and endless opportunities to grow. We promise to cherish every moment, every milestone, and every precious memory, honoring the gift of parenthood that you have entrusted to us.

Though we may not know each other yet, please know that you are already in our prayers. Should you choose us to raise your child, we promise to honor your decision with the utmost respect and gratitude. We will always be open and honest with your child, sharing with them the beautiful story of how they came into our lives and the unwavering love that brought us together as a family.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for considering us. We pray for your peace, comfort, and clarity as you navigate this journey, and we hold you in our thoughts and prayers every step of the way.

With love and gratitude,

Lisa and Greg

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