Jennifer + Aaron

Hi! We're Jen and Aaron. Thank you for taking the time to learn about us. We realize that you are in the midst of making a life-altering decision and you are carefully weighing multiple options. We appreciate that one of the options you're exploring is considering us as potential adoptive parents for your child.

We've been together since 2017 and, from the start, we knew we both wanted children. That plan hasn't worked out for us yet, but we know we still have the space in our hearts and our home. We love the life we share. Each day together reminds us of the trust, genuine affection, and fun that is at the center of our relationship. We are grateful that you might be the person to help us on our journey.

Dear Expectant Parent

“Dear Expectant Parent” Image

Thank you again for taking the time to learn about us. We can only imagine the thoughts and emotions running through your head and heart at this time. We respect that your decision here, with or without us, is what is best for you and your family.

As you go through our profile, we hope you will come to see us as people who have a lot of love to give to a child entering our family. We have diverse interests and life experiences that complement each other, which will help us give our future child or children a well-rounded upbringing. We value education and learning, curiosity and wonder, silliness and playfulness, individuality and independence, ambition and drive, affection and loyalty, and, perhaps most importantly, kindness and consideration of others. We will impart our values onto our child or children, but we will also help them discover what their own values are and who they want to be as people and be their steadfast cheerleaders on their road to self-discovery. We will have a lot to teach them, but know they will teach us a lot, too. We are looking forward to starting a new journey as a family and we are grateful that you are considering helping us get there.

Our Why

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When we met, it was clear that we both wanted children. The more we grew together as a couple, the more we knew we wanted to share the world with them. Every time we took a trip, went to a ball game, danced in the family room, or just had our own silly fun, it was a reminder that our family unit just didn't feel complete.

When we were ready to have children, we learned that Aaron was infertile. Jen tried artificial insemination but that only caused more pain with two unsuccessful pregnancies. Our own biological children were just not in the cards for us.

After some serious discussion, we knew we still had the space in our hearts and our home for children and we decided we wanted to adopt. As we have shared this journey with family and friends, they have remained incredibly supportive of this choice. We are confident expanding our family remains the next step in our journey, to love a child as our own, and we are as excited as ever about becoming parents.

Our Story

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Like many modern couples, we met online. Aaron had just taken a trip over summer to Europe and was returning to a new school year for Fall 2017. Jen was still relatively new to the area and had started dating with the hope of meeting someone in her new city. She came across Aaron's profile and liked what she saw. He sounded like a person who was sure of himself and knew what he wanted out of life. He was passionate about mentoring high school students to become leaders in their community. He had a friendly face and nice smile. Jen had a feeling that she needed to meet him. Meanwhile, Aaron saw Jen as smart and clearly thoughtful. She seemed genuine and kind and refreshingly honest. Jen loves to say she started the conversation, but Aaron swears he favorited her profile first, and he still has all those initial emails she sent.

After lots of initial sparks and some great dates, including apple picking and trips into the city, it got to be Thanksgiving. By chance, both Aaron's sister and Jen's family live in the Boston area and we had both planned to spend the holiday there. As if it were meant to be, less than three months into our relationship we were side-by-side enjoying turkey and all the sides with visits with both families in the same day. It was clear this was something special for both of us. This first Thanksgiving together remains one of Aaron's favorite memories.

By the next March, Aaron asked Jen to move in with him, and by May he was picking out a ring. That summer, we travelled together with Jen's chorus to Ireland and Aaron asked Jen to marry him. She said yes over a stunning view of the Irish countryside. We married in front of family and friends ten months later at a historic village not far from where Jen grew up.

We've now been married for almost five years and frequently say we only wish we met each other sooner.

We love the life we share. Each day together reminds us of the trust, genuine affection, and fun that is at the center of our relationship. We feel very lucky to have found each other and to be able to share a life together.

Meet Jen

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One of my parents' nicknames for me when I was a little kid was "Jenny-tunes." They gave me this name because I was often singing and dancing along to the music I heard at home. I was one of those '90s kids who spent hours making mixtapes from songs on the radio, from old records, or from other tapes and CDs. I've always loved music of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. I fell in love with Elvis Presley's music when I was about 11 years old and still consider myself a fan. I have visited his home, Graceland, twice.

I love listening to music, but I also love making music. I am in a local chorus that performs a mix of pops songs, Broadway show tunes, folk songs, and, occasionally, more traditional classical pieces. I've been with my current chorus for over 6 years. Before I moved to our current area, I was involved in a more classical chorus near Boston for 7 years. I also sang in my college chorale and high school chorus.

I am an amateur dancer, too. I started taking dance lessons when I was 4. I took ballet, jazz, and tap until I got to high school, when I decided to join my high school color guard and started doing musical theater. I took tap dancing again for several years when I was in my 20s and 30s. I have been taking jazz dance again for the past year. Dance gives me a way to express myself artistically and keeps me connected to my younger self.

Besides playing music, singing, and dancing, I also enjoy history. I like reading about historic people, places, and events, and visiting historic sites. Growing up in the Boston area I was exposed to a lot of early American history in my own backyard. I even became a tour guide at a couple of historic homes when I was in college.

When I'm not pursuing all of these hobbies, I manage a group of editors at a textbook publishing company. I was an editor, myself, for 14 years before I moved into a full-time manager position. My favorite part of my job is helping younger editors figure out what they are interested in and helping them find a way to make that a part of their job.

Aaron says:

My favorite thing about Jen is that she has a big heart. She always puts others first and strives to make others happy and always do the right thing. She has a wonderful silly side, always trying to make me laugh, and she is constantly singing in a way that brightens up the whole day.

She is always my biggest cheerleader. Whenever I've had an accomplishment, she has practically taken more pride in it than I have. She brings out the best in me and pushes me to be the best version of myself.

Meet Aaron

“Meet Aaron” Image

For most of my professional life, I was a special education teacher for students with emotional disabilities until I recently became an assistant principal. Education has always been important to me, in large part because I love learning. Aside from my day job, I've earned four degrees and am probably not finished.

I tend to be logical and have a calm presence. I'm patient and thoughtful. I'm hard-working, enjoy a good challenge, and tend to speak my mind. I have a creative side; I like to doodle but occasionally will do something more complicated, like the portrait I did of Jen for our wedding, for example. I also enjoy cooking and trying out new dishes. My creative side brings out my more romantic side. I can be more reserved, but I have deep feelings for the people I love in my life.

The reserved part of me can be really thoughtful. I take a lot of joy in the simple things in life: looking at the stars, walking barefoot in the grass, or watching a great sunset.

I enjoy technology and figuring out how things work. I like to solve puzzles and anything that challenges my mind such as Sudoku, Wordle, Connections, or a crossword. I like keeping my brain active, or just using a puzzle as a distraction when I need a quick break.

In my free time, I've done a lot of youth-oriented volunteer work. I've always enjoyed working with kids and have found it really rewarding to help kids develop their leadership skills. I find my best work is in helping others help their own communities.

Jen says:

My favorite thing about Aaron is his dedication to the people around him. When he was a special education teacher he regularly went above and beyond to make sure that his students had what they needed. He bought students lunch many times and he regularly had snacks and water for them in his office. He even bought an alarm clock once to help a kid get to school on time.

He brings that same dedication home with him. He lovingly cooks dinner on most nights. He comes to my home office every afternoon when he gets home from school to see how I'm doing. He never misses my chorus concerts. He is always there when I need him, and I know he will be equally dedicated to our child.

Meet Rory

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Rory is our sweet, 13-year-old cat. Jen adopted her 10 years ago when Rory was 3. Rory made the move from Boston to the Washington, DC area with Jen 7 years ago and made her way into Aaron's heart after Jen and Aaron got together.

Rory is our first "baby." She sleeps with us every night and sits on our laps whenever we're hanging out in the family room. At only 7-1/2 pounds, she's a petite kitty, but she has a lot of love to share! She is still a kitten at heart. She chases her toy mice all over the house, attacks catnip sacks enthusiastically, and has no trouble running from one end of the house to the other.

We realize that Rory will no longer be the center of attention once we have a baby, but we will make sure she always knows that she is loved and is very special to us.

Our Families

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Aaron's Family

I have deep roots in the DC area: my dad grew up here and has lived here his whole life, and I have also lived here my whole life. My parents, both now retired, live about 20 minutes away in the home I grew up in. We see them at least every few weeks for dinner or a get together at a local event.

My sister, who is 4 years younger than I am, moved to the Boston area with her husband and has her family there. We see them frequently since Jen's family is there as well. Her family includes my 6-year-old niece and 2-year old nephew whom I envision as close cousins with our children.

With my dad growing up here, I have cousins in the area who we also visit with and who have their own young children. We're also close with my mom's family who live in New Jersey and New England.

My family has always made time to see each other, particularly around the holidays. Whether it's Thanksgiving, Passover, or a special birthday, my mom has always loved to bring us all together over a meal, telling stories, and sharing laughter.

Jen's Family

Most of my family members are in New England, where I grew up. My parents live about 15 minutes away from my hometown and my sister lives about 20 minutes from them. I have just the one sister who is 2 years younger than I am. She was my first playmate and we spent many hours as little girls playing with Barbie dolls and having tea parties for our Cabbage Patch dolls and American Girl dolls.

I have many cousins, because of the fact that my mom is one of 5 siblings. Most of them are quite a bit older than I am, so we didn't grow up playing together. My dad's sister had a daughter who is 11 months younger than I am so she, my sister, and I grew up playing together at holidays and going to the same amusement park together every summer with our parents. We try to see her and her husband and their two teenagers as often as possible when we visit New England. I also have a best friend who is like family to me and I am her daughter's godmother.

Our Traditions

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We both cherish time-honored traditions. We brought some traditions into our relationship from our original families, and we have also created some of our own.

One of our favorite traditions is going to a Christmas light display at the historic village where we got married. We make a point of going there every year. Because Jen grew up Catholic and Aaron grew up Jewish, we spend every Christmas with Jen's family in New England and observe their Christmas traditions. (Jen can't wait to add a stocking to the mantel at her parents' house!) We spend at least one night of Hanukkah with Aaron's parents every year, and we also observe the Jewish High Holidays and Passover with them. Thanksgiving is Aaron's favorite holiday because we can have both sides of the family come together each year in one big celebration.

One tradition we would like to start when we have children is to visit a local museum or cultural site every month to expose them to the arts, history, science, and culture from a young age.

Our Adventures

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We have been on many adventures together over the course of our relationship, and look forward to having many more!

One of our annual adventures is the over 400-mile drive from our home to Jen's parents' house for Christmas. We have a routine at this point and share the driving duties.

Other than trips to New England to visit family, we have been quite a few other places together. Our first major trip together was to Ireland with Jen's choral group (as mentioned in Our Story). Our second major trip was our honeymoon to Disneyland in California and then to the big island of Hawaii. Jen had been to Disneyland and Disney World multiple times, but Aaron hadn't been since he was a kid. He was quickly won over to the magic of Disney as we walked around the parks in our bride and groom ears and the cast members made sure we felt special. We also loved Hawaii; neither of us had ever been there and we loved the climate on the island and the tropical scenery.

We didn't travel during the pandemic but then visited Norfolk, Virginia in 2022 and Tampa and Orlando, Florida in 2023 for our anniversaries. In the summer of 2023 we visited London, Florence, and Rome. Once our children are older, we plan to bring them to as many places as we can, to expose them to different people and cultures and, hopefully, get them excited to travel more.

There are still many places where we want to go, including the Pacific Northwest and more Hawaiian islands in the U.S., plus Norway, Sweden, and Japan. We also want to return to Ireland someday to see more of the countryside and show our children where we were engaged. There will also be many trips to Disney World if Jen has anything to say about it!

Our Promise

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Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and for considering us as potential parents for your child if you move forward with an adoption plan.

If you choose us to parent your child, we promise you that we will love them, care for them, and guide them on the journey to becoming who they are meant to be. We will read to them, sing to them, joke with them, and play with them. We will make sure that they always have a place to call home where they will feel love, comfort, and safety. We will encourage them to challenge themselves to seek out new experiences and opportunities. We will provide them with music lessons, art classes, chances to join sports teams -- whatever they want to explore. We will teach them about the world around them and show them what we think it means to be a good person. We will show them what it means to love family, friends, and other people in general and how to show kindness, sensitivity, and empathy to both people and animals.

We will teach them about our families' histories, and we will encourage them to learn about their own history with you and your family. We will honor you as your child's first family who gave them life and their first experience with love. We will figure out, with you, the best way for you and your child to remain connected as they grow up.

We promise you that we will do our best every day to honor this gift you have given to us and to help your child live their best life.

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