Femy + Robert

Dear Expectant Parent,

Firstly, thank you for the decision you are making. We know this is not an easy one to make, one that we understand is life-changing and impactful. Your sacrifice is so giving and noble and it takes a special individual to be able to make such a choice. Your selflessness and courage gives us the opportunity to build the family we have always dreamed of. We thank you for even taking the time to read about and consider us.

Adoption has always been part of our plan. And you are helping us see this dream come true. There will never be enough thank yous.

Our Why

“Our Why” Image

We always knew we wanted children. After we began seriously dating and talking about our future, we knew adoption was something we wanted to do if we had the opportunity.

The plan was always to have one biologically and adopt. But things don't always go exactly as planned. However, it gave us the opportunity we needed to move forward with adoption!

We are excited to provide a loving home for a child and provide all we can for them. We can't wait to be parents!

Our Story

“Our Story” Image

We met in the summer of 2002 through mutual friends. We spent that summer building a friendship and getting to know one another. Femy became sick that summer and spent some time in the hospital. Rob came to visit her every day, which helped Femy focus on something other than her health.

From then on, we have been inseparable. We grew up together and experienced life together. We learned from one another. Rob introduced Femy to new food experiences, like sushi. Femy introduced Rob to the world of Harry Potter and musicals. While dating as broke college kids, one of the romantic dates we would go on would be walking through the aisles of Target looking at things we would buy for our future home.

After 8 years of dating, we got engaged and started filling that home with things we talked about during our Target dates. 10 years later we are ready for the next step, filling our home with things for a child to grow up in and be loved!

Meet Rob

“Meet Rob” Image

by Femy

Rob and I met over 20 years ago through a mutual friend. Right away, I noticed how funny and caring he was.

Shortly after we met, I got sick and had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks. Rob visited me every day, from the start and end of visiting hours. His visits made a terrible time, bearable, and almost enjoyable. Rob has always been hard-working and determined. He works harder than anyone I know and is passionate about what he does. Rob works as a Radiation Therapist, treating cancer patients every day. He works hard to care for his patients and loves what he does.

Rob is also one of the most caring, supportive people I know. I am lucky to be loved by him. He supports my decisions and helps me feel cared for.

I can't wait to see him as a father. I think it is a role he was born to take. His love and dedication are strengths that any child would flourish and thrive from.

While he is great at being a radiation therapist and a husband, I think his best role is yet to come: Dad!

Fun Facts

  • Rob loves sports! His favorite sports teams are the Yankees, Giants, & Devils. Rob & Femy go to a lot of games.
  • He also loves eating. Best way of experiencing other cultures is through food.
  • Rob is very physically active. Gym, bike rides, flag football, & walks. Femy & Rob occasionally go to the park to play catch.
  • Favorite TV Show All Time - Scrubs

Meet Femy

“Meet Femy” Image

by Rob

First thing I want to say, I love Femy so much! She is my support & best friend for over 20 years. She has a personality everyone loves. She is friendly, witty, and caring. Everywhere she goes, she connects with people and makes new friends. Married together, she is always calm and easy to speak to. She lets me be me - whether it's me playing sports, watching cartoons, or buying more shoes than her. Femy loves children a lot! Every time we go to parties or family events with children, Femy makes sure to bake cookies for them. She cuddles the babies and plays with children for hours.

Femy also spent over 10 years working with children & teenagers in counselling groups as a Social Worker / Director. She helped many teens & children having family issues. I love it when she gets "Thank You" cards from the people she helped.

I know Femy will be a great mother. Over the 20 years I have known her, there is not one child she did not care about.

Fun Facts

  • Femy loves to bake! Cookies, cakes, and cupcakes. She would bake all day if she could.
  • Femy loves going to games with Rob, but mostly for the food and people-watching!
  • Femy loves animals. Some of her favorite places are zoos and aquariums.
  • Femy and Rob love traveling. Exploring new places and trying new foods are some of their favorite adventures

Our Home

“Our Home” Image

Our home is our sanctuary. We have worked hard to make it feel cozy, warm, and safe. We hope to be able to create safety and comfort for a child. Our neighborhood is diverse and has many cultures for children to be exposed to.

We have parks nearby, as well as a number of performing centers and sports arenas, like NJPAC and Prudential Center. We are close to different parks and NYC is just a train ride away!

There are so many opportunities for activities for families and children to participate in.

We are also close to a great number of restaurants, schools, and hospitals. Our neighborhood is close to NYC but still quiet enough for us to experience the suburban life. It is a great mix between city and suburb living!

Meet Sourdough!

“Meet Sourdough!” Image

This our dog, Sourdough, also known as Dodo. He came to our lives as a foster in February 2023 and was officially adopted in March 2023.

He is about 8 years old and full of zest! He likes to play soccer and chase his tail. He loves snacks and napping. He dislikes the dishwasher and the washing machine. Dodo is a spunky little guy who we love so much!

Femy’s Family

“Femy’s Family” Image

My parents came to the US from the Philippines. We lived in Texas but were raised in NJ. I have 2 younger sisters (Gigi and Vicky) and an older cousin (Jan), who are my best friends. My parents and my sisters live close by, and we spend a lot of time with them.

Both my parents are retired. My mom was a nurse and my dad worked in lots of different jobs. My middle sister is an artist, and my younger sister is a teacher. Both my sisters are married, and we are close with their husbands as well!

Family is a big part of who I am and a huge part of our support. Everyone is excited to be aunties, uncles, and grandparents!

Rob’s Family

“Rob’s Family” Image

My parents immigrated from a tiny Asian island named Taiwan. My family lived in NJ & NY area most of our lives. My parents separated when we were young, but both are retired and currently living in Taiwan. I also have two brothers - Jeff (Older) & Albert (Younger). Both live in California. From time to time we visit each other. The best part is going back to Taiwan. It's a beautiful country.

Our Village

“Our Village” Image

Our sense of family goes beyond our parents and siblings. We are lucky enough to be surrounded by cousins and friends who feel like family.

Our village will be additional support for a child in our lives. They are all excited to go to sporting events, dance recitals, and school concerts!

The people who surround us have been part of our lives for many years, most for over a decade. We believe they will help add more culture and experiences to our child's life. We are excited to share this new chapter in our lives with our families and friends.

Our Adventures

“Our Adventures” Image

We love to go on all kinds of adventures! Whether it is going to a nearby park or zoo or traveling across the world, we love to explore and try new things.

Trying new foods is one of our favorite things to do together.

We have traveled across the country to places like California and Hawaii. We have also traveled across the world to places like Taiwan and Japan! We love exploring new cultures and learning about traditions. We are excited to share these experiences with a child and build memories and create curiosity in new cultures and traditions!

Our Promise

“Our Promise” Image

Becoming parents has been a goal we have had with one another early on in our relationship. We promise to never take for granted the difficult decision you made to help us achieve this goal.

We promise to provide a home filled with laughter, love, understanding, and support. We promise to encourage our child to be curious, explore, make mistakes, and learn. We promise to work hard to provide every opportunity this child deserves and more.

More than anything, we promise to love this child more than our hearts have ever known to love before.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and consider us.

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